Swaraa Tech Solutions LLP


Is Good For Develop Ionic Mobile App ?

Ionic mobile app is good for development because ionic  is an open source, cross-stage system used to create half and half versatile applications. Ionic is a versatile application improvement structure dependent on the HTML5 programming language. The HTML5 framework dependably works with the assistance of Cordova or PhoneGap. Subsequently, Ionic needs them two.


Consider Ionic the front-end UI framework that handles all of the look and feel and UI interactions your application needs so as to constrain. Sort of like “Bootstrap for Native,” but with support for a broad range of common native mobile components, slick animations, and beautiful design.


We built Ionic because we strongly believed that HTML5 would govern on mobile after some time, precisely as it has on the desktop.Once desktop computers became powerful enough and browser technology had advanced enough, almost everyone was spending their computing time in the browser.

Benefits of Ionic Framework App Development


Open source

Ionic costs you nothing. Besides, learning the framework is simple as planning a versatile page that is made to run in an app-like shell.


Big and helpful community

Ionic, being based on the highest point of popular technologies, for example, Cordova and Angular, has a gigantic and dynamic network.


Built on AngularJS

AngularJS is a broadly utilized framework by designers. Utilization of AngularJS enables Ionic to provide a robust structure.


User Interface

Topics and segments of Ionic are profoundly adjustable. The ionic platform enables parts to adjust the platform.


Cordova Plugins

Cordova plugins do the marvel for Ionic, offering access to various highlights of the operating system such as battery, pro-location, camera, access to logs and more.



Ionic with native mobile app code in PhoneGap allows for higher performance compared to hybrid applications.Ionic utilizes CSS changes as an approach to use the GPU.


One code for all

With Ionic, comes the adaptability of structure cross platform app with no issue. It’s far more easier to build high-end user interfaces with added functionalities.


Testing is easy

Mobile app testing is unmistakably increasingly less demanding with Ionic.You could test in on a desktop browser or even perform simulator testing for both iOS and Android apps.

What Can We Do Using Ionic?

Ionic is the top cross-platform and hybrid mobile application development framework focusing mainly on the look and feel of your application and its UI interaction. As a leading mobile application development company, Swaraa Tech Solutions houses a team of experienced Ionic app developers that explore the capabilities of developing interactive and incredible hybrid apps with intuitive UI.


With highly experienced Ionic and AngularJS developers, we create intuitive apps that are robust and scalable. Our team excels open source mobile SDK to create rapidly prototype apps.


Our eminent team has years of experience in the field of Ionic mobile app development. They are well versed with technologies like AngularJS, JavaScript, CSS, HTML and are expert in Ionic Frontend SDK.


Developing Apps using Ionic Framework means you require a single codebase that works on multiple platforms. This eases the development process.


We provide complete support & maintenance of your apps. Our developer optimizes your apps as per your requirements.
