Swaraa Tech Solutions LLP

Our Portfolio

Our Portfolio is a living and changing collection of records that reflect our accomplishments, skills, experiences, and attributes. Portfolio provides insight into our personality and work ethic. Project Portfolio Management is a senior authority discipline that drives key execution and augments business esteem through the choice, advancement, and oversight of task speculations which adjust to business objectives and techniques.


Before we get into the process of managing a portfolio of projects, let’s define some common concepts. Note that these concepts apply to any organization of any size and type, no matter if they’re for profit, nonprofit, or government institutions.

Project portfolio management is the practice of selecting and investing in the best projects and programs an organization performs.

The best projects and programs are those that support the goals of the organization and can be performed using the available resources, such as people, money, facilities, and equipment.

A lot of project proposition, projects, programs, sub-portfolios and activities oversaw together to accomplish an association’s key destinations. For example, an company in the vitality segment may have as business target to “diminish carbon discharges”.

Project portfolio the board is the way toward choosing the activities that best meet the association’s objectives with the assets accessible to play out these ventures. A fruitful undertaking listing the board procedure must be portrayed great with the goal that everybody in the association comprehends the procedure.